Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This is the first of many to come. (I hope)

      Well our wonderful House of Representatives or should I say "House of elected idiots" has performed as expected. It is beyond my understanding why the ruckus 44 rep of the tea-party Ilk can't understand that it's over, The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land and they do not have the numbers to change that fact. If you don't like it then garner enough votes to change it. Holding everything else hostage to the whims of a few is not the way to get things done. Those few were sent to "Washington" to perform a job and if they can't determine which fights / causes are winable then they need to be replaced. They say that the American People don't want "Obama Care", well if that were true then the last election would have turned out very differently.
     To those folks that elected those 44 rep's I can only say, are you proud of the way they have performed their duties? If you are then I hope that you will enjoy the angst that your selfish views have caused. I would only wish that you and/or yours are among the multitude of folks that are not getting paid because your narrow thinking has contributed to this fiasco.
     To the rest of us, my advice is this. We had better pay more attention to the candidates that we choose to go to washington. The only way they get there is by our actions in the voting booth. It behoves us all to think long and hard about who we vote for.We must require our elected officials to be Statesmen and Stateswoman first. After that is satisfied, then they can bow to whatever big money contributed to their campaign.
     I suspect that the "Christian Right" has had a hand in the election of some of these people. If that is true, then the "Christian Right" has proved again that they are neither. What really gets my goat is the fact that these so-called christian congregations can not seem to think for them selves. They listen to some power hungry wind-bag tell them that god will smite them if they don't vote for some less than honest politician who will immediately, upon election, forget how he got the job and proceed to embark upon the filling of his own pocket at the expense of the job he was ELECTED to do.

Just saying.

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