Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What if we were hacked like the recent hack to Ukraine ??

This is an interesting piece on why we need to prepare as best we can, for this kind of disaster. Between the Russians and North Korea it is very possible and the preventive systems are very weak to non-existent.  CH

Here’s How a Massive Cyberattack Could Happen To Us

The Petya Ransomware attack hit globally, but one country, in particular, was devastated by it. The Ukrainian infrastructure was brought own by the attack, where the epicenter occurred, and now, experts are suggesting that it may have been deliberate and state-sponsored.
The ostensible purpose of all that damage was to make money — and yet there’s very little money to be found. Most ransomware flies under the radar, quietly collecting payouts from companies eager to get their data back and decrypting systems as payments come in. But Petya seems to have been incapable of decrypting infected machines, and its payout method was bizarrely complex, hinging on a single email address that was shut down almost as soon as the malware made headlines. As of this morning, the Bitcoin wallet associated with the attack had received just $10,000, a relatively meager payout by ransomware standards.

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